Professional Liability & Malpractice
In professional liability cases, we have defended lawyers, doctors, engineers, accountants, hospitals, physicians, dentists, and insurers. We assist our clients in avoiding litigation when possible, and we also assist them through arbitration, mediation, and hearings before administrative and regulatory agencies. Our firm has extensive experience in litigating malpractice claims, and we appreciate the effect the outcome of each case may have on a professional’s career. Therefore, we strive to guard the interest and reputation of every professional we defend.
In handling our cases, we recognize the importance of the professional standard of care and the need to accurately assess every case. Issues we have dealt with in this area include professional negligence, personal injury, property damage, breach of fiduciary duty, and violations of the rules of professional conduct. Our clients appreciate our ability to handle complex cases, our knowledge of a wide range of disciplines and professions, and our experience in mitigation of damages.